
Improve the overall quality of services to persons with mental illness and mental retardation. The board is responsible for the operation of the MHMR Community Center.


There are a total of nine members on the Board of Trustees appointed by the Nueces County Commissioners Court. Board members are appointed to three standing advisory committees:
(1) Mental Health
(2) Mental Retardation
(3) Professional.
The Board of Trustees employs the Executive Director who is responsible for implementing the board policies.

Creation & Authority

This board is authorized by Senate Bill No. 1426, 71st Legislature, Regular Session 1989 by Mental Health Code, 5547.203


Fourth Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m., Puertas Abiertas, 212 S. Staples, C.C. TX.


Two year terms with five board positions expiring in April of even-numbered years and four board positions expiring in April of odd-numbered years.