Nueces County, TX
Home29. Nueces County MHMR Community Center Board
Improve the overall quality of services to persons with mental illness and mental retardation. The board is responsible for the operation of the MHMR Community Center.
There are a total of nine members on the Board of Trustees appointed by the Nueces County Commissioners Court. Board members are appointed to three standing advisory committees:
(1) Mental Health
(2) Mental Retardation
(3) Professional.
The Board of Trustees employs the Executive Director who is responsible for implementing the board policies.
Creation & Authority
This board is authorized by Senate Bill No. 1426, 71st Legislature, Regular Session 1989 by Mental Health Code, 5547.203
Fourth Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m., Puertas Abiertas, 212 S. Staples, C.C. TX.
Two year terms with five board positions expiring in April of even-numbered years and four board positions expiring in April of odd-numbered years.