Nueces County, TX
HomeConstable Precinct 2 - RUOK Program
Sign Up
To sign up, call (361) 937-6306 to speak with an RUOK Coordinator or fill out a form. These forms will be available online, at Senior Centers and at the Precinct. Once this is done, you will begin receiving calls.
Are You Ok? Senior Program
The RUOK? Program is a FREE service that establishes a prearranged time for participants to receive a regular phone call inquiring about their welfare. During the call participants are asked "Are You OK?" If they answer "yes" they may simply hang up and continue with their day. If a concern is expressed, the volunteer caller will determine the nature of the concern and if some sort of response is necessary i.e.: medical attention is required then ESD #2 will accompany the Deputy to the location. ESD #2 is limited to East of the Oso. Unanswered calls or busy signals are called back. If there is still no response, the volunteer caller may request that an officer be dispatched to the location for a safety check.
Why Apply?
- Applicants will receive a friendly and comforting call at least once a week by a trusted volunteer from the NCCO Precinct 2. Additional calls can be made upon request.
- Every welfare check, whether by phone or personally by a NCCO Precinct 2 Deputy, gives peace of mind, not only to applicants, but to family members and friends living near or far.
- Seniors are always encouraged during every welfare call to contact NCCO Precinct 2 if they have a need or concern.
Crime Prevention Tips for Senior Citizens
Crime prevention is everybody’s business! It’s not just a job for law enforcement. Common-sense measures – like locking a door, joining a Neighborhood Watch, going to the bank with a friend – can help prevent crime. Many older men and women fear crime even though, statistically, their risk of being victimized is low. Seniors are more vulnerable to certain crimes – purse snatching, mugging, and fraud. But you can reduce the opportunities for criminals to strike by being careful, alert and a good neighbor.
Here are some commonsense tips you can use to stay safe:
When Driving:
- Always lock your car doors. Never leave keys in the ignition when you leave the car, even for a few minutes.
- When you drive, keep the doors locked and windows up. Park in well-lighted busy areas.
- Don’t leave packages or other tempting articles in view in a locked car. Lock them in the trunk.
- Never, never pick up hitchhikers.
- If you have car problems, be especially wary of strangers who offer help. Stay in the car and ask them to call a service truck and law enforcement.
When You Are at Home:
- Use deadbolt locks on all exterior doors. Keep your doors always locked, even when you are inside.
- Protect windows and sliding glass doors with good locks or other security devices.
- Never let strangers in your home without checking their identification. Call their company if you are not sure. Install a viewer in your door and use it.
- Use only your first initial in phone books, directories, and apartment lobbies. If you live alone, don’t advertise it.
- Be sensible about keys. Don’t put an address tag on your key ring, and don’t hide and extra key under a doormat or flowerpot.
- Engrave your valuables with a unique identification number recommended by the Crime Prevention Unit.
- Keep bonds, stock certificates, seldom worn jewelry, and stamp and coin collections in a safe deposit box.
- For an extra measure of protection, don’t keep large amounts of cash at home.
- Keep emergency numbers for police and fire agencies handy.
Out and About:
- Go with a friend whenever possible.
- Stay alert and tuned into your surroundings. Don’t daydream.
- Try to walk in a confident, relaxed manner. Make brief eye contact with approaching strangers.
- Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave.
- Try carrying a small change purse with only the money or credit cards that you need, instead of a large handbag with straps. Keep your wallet in an inside jacket or front pants pocket.
- Don’t burden yourself with packages.
- Walk on well-lighted busy streets. Stay away from vacant lots, alleys, or construction sites.
- Avoid dark deserted routes, even if they are the shortest.
- Don’t flash cash and other tempting targets such as expensive jewelry.
- Make sure someone knows where you’re going and when you expect to return.
- Carry change for emergency telephone and transportation use.
- If a friend or a taxi takes you home, ask the driver to wait until you are safely inside.
- Have your car or house key in hand as you approach your vehicle or home.
For Your Own Protection!
- Be suspicious of anyone who offers you a chance for quick and easy wealth.
- Be wary of exaggerated claims for health and medical products, such as cures for cancer or arthritis, hair restorers, quick weight loss. Before buying any cure-alls, check with your doctor, pharmacist, or clinic.
- Don’t give any details about your credit cards to phone solicitors even if they offer you gifts, a free vacation, or a sweepstakes prize.
- Check out any “work-at-home” schemes with your local or state consumer protection agency.
- Don’t give credit cards, checkbooks, or savings account passbooks to your housekeeper or caretaker. Don’t make an employee a joint owner of your bank account or your property.
- Never make cash transactions in secret. Discuss any large transaction with your banker.
What to Do if You Are Assaulted
- If the attacker is only after your purse of other valuables, don’t resist. Your life and safety are worth more than your possessions.
- Make a conscious effort to get an accurate description of the attacker and call the Sherriff’s Department or police immediately.
- Contact your local victim assistance agency to help you deal with the trauma that all crime victims experience. They can help you learn more about counseling, victim compensation laws and how to follow your case’s progress.
- Start a crime prevention program in your neighborhood.