The board may make recommendations to the Commissioners Court on the maintenance, operation, control, fees and charges; conduct studies or surveys related to improvements and contracted services for the Nueces County Airport. In addition, the board shall make recommendations regarding safety compliance issues in accordance with the Transportation Security Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board. The board is to act only in an advisory capacity and will not be authorized to enter into or approve any contractual or verbal obligations on behalf of Nueces County.
The board shall be comprised of seven (7) members with each Commissioner appointing one representative from their precinct and three (3) at-large representatives appointed by the Commissioners Court. Precinct representatives will serve two-year terms and at-large representatives will serve three-year terms commencing October 1, 2009. Experience in aviation and knowledge of the Texas Open Meetings Act are beneficial, but not a requirement.
Commissioners Court re-established the Nueces County Airport Advisory Board on July 8, 2009 to act in an advisory capacity in accordance with the Texas Transportation Code (Section 22.017)
The board shall meet monthly. Postings and reports of monthly meetings, including agendas and minutes, are to be submitted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.