You can be excused from jury service if:

  1. You are 75 years of age.
  2. You have legal custody of a child under 12 and jury service yould leave your children without adequate supervision. This exemption does not apply if you work outside the home during business hours.
  3. You are a high school or college student in actual classroom attendance. This exemption does not apply to online classes.
  4. You are an officer or employee of the Senate, the House of Representatives, or any department, commission, board, office or other agency in the legislative branch of state government.
    * This does not apply to Police Officers, Peace Officers or Deputies.
  5. You have served as a petit juror in the last 24 months prior to the date you are to appear for this summons. This means that you were one of the six jurors chosen for a trial and were sworn in by the judge
  6. Primary caretaker of a person who is unable to care for himself or herself. To qualify for this exemption, you must be the primary caretaker of a family member. If you work as a healthcare provider, you are NOT eligible for this exemption.
  7. You are a member of the United States military forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from your home station and out of your county residence.

Medical Conditions - If you have a medical condition which would make it impossible or difficult to serve as juror, it is necessary that you provide a letter from your doctor stating that you cannot participate in jury duty. If you have a permanent medical condition, e-mail for further information.

The law requires that when requesting a Medical Exemption you must provide a letter from your physician (Texas Government Code 62.109).

You may file your exemption online by visiting: